"G Smooth" is a Southern Baptist Pastor who wears Crocs to church, officiates weddings without socks, and dares go to DISNEYWORLD (even during SBC's Prohibition Years, haha) on vacation...has been married to Angie for 11 years...still thinks guys like Larry Bird and Pistol Pete were better basketball players than any guys in the modern era...and has been a BIG ORANGE fan since we whipped Miami's butts in the '86 Sugar Bowl, baby!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I can't tell you how many times "LEADERS LEAD" was drilled into my head while growing up in the youth group I was in.  Neither can I tell you how grateful I am for the lesson and the fact it stuck like glue.

Leaders do lead.  Leaders lead...

...regardless of the opinion of those being led.  When you do or don't do things based on how others will feel or what they will say about you, please realize those people you're worrying about are now the ones leading you. 

...with an overall vision or goal in mind.  Others may not agree with your vision or your means of acheiving the goal, but they don't have to.  YOU'RE THEIR leader.  THEY'RE YOUR critics.  This even applies to those closest to you sometimes.  Prepare yourself for that truth (correct grammar and all, haha) and you'll save some yourself some frustration.  Make that ALOT of frustration :)

...by serving.  It was also drilled into my big head if you're not willing to clean a toilet and set up tables and chairs, then you're not ready to be a leader.  Now that I'm nearing the ripe old age of 35, I can't imagine how I was ever dumb enough to NOT know that.  But, if you're reading this and don't get it, my advice to you is to go clean some toilets.  You eventually WILL get it, I promise. 

...because that's what they've been gifted and called to do.  Through all the frustrations, disappointments in yourself and others (who either won't step up and lead, or who seem bent on preventing you from it), headaches, loss of sleep, impatience, and everything else, you WILL keep on leading.  Yep, you guessed it.  Because that's what LEADERS do!