"G Smooth" is a Southern Baptist Pastor who wears Crocs to church, officiates weddings without socks, and dares go to DISNEYWORLD (even during SBC's Prohibition Years, haha) on vacation...has been married to Angie for 11 years...still thinks guys like Larry Bird and Pistol Pete were better basketball players than any guys in the modern era...and has been a BIG ORANGE fan since we whipped Miami's butts in the '86 Sugar Bowl, baby!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I can't tell you how many times "LEADERS LEAD" was drilled into my head while growing up in the youth group I was in.  Neither can I tell you how grateful I am for the lesson and the fact it stuck like glue.

Leaders do lead.  Leaders lead...

...regardless of the opinion of those being led.  When you do or don't do things based on how others will feel or what they will say about you, please realize those people you're worrying about are now the ones leading you. 

...with an overall vision or goal in mind.  Others may not agree with your vision or your means of acheiving the goal, but they don't have to.  YOU'RE THEIR leader.  THEY'RE YOUR critics.  This even applies to those closest to you sometimes.  Prepare yourself for that truth (correct grammar and all, haha) and you'll save some yourself some frustration.  Make that ALOT of frustration :)

...by serving.  It was also drilled into my big head if you're not willing to clean a toilet and set up tables and chairs, then you're not ready to be a leader.  Now that I'm nearing the ripe old age of 35, I can't imagine how I was ever dumb enough to NOT know that.  But, if you're reading this and don't get it, my advice to you is to go clean some toilets.  You eventually WILL get it, I promise. 

...because that's what they've been gifted and called to do.  Through all the frustrations, disappointments in yourself and others (who either won't step up and lead, or who seem bent on preventing you from it), headaches, loss of sleep, impatience, and everything else, you WILL keep on leading.  Yep, you guessed it.  Because that's what LEADERS do!    

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Author Unknown
For making the sun to shine
Putting the stars in the sky
For the flowers that bloom, the ocean so blue
Thank you, Lord
For every sparrow that sings
And makes sweet melody
For rivers that flow, the rain and the snow
Thank you, Lord

I just want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
For everything you've done for me
Thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
For making me whole, saving my soul
Thank you, Lord

For my whole family
For the joy my children bring
For shoes on my feet, plenty to eat
Thank you Lord
For the church where I worship and pray
For the freedom I have today
For your spirit I feel, Your presence so real
Thank you, Lord

I just want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
For everything you've done for me
Thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
For making me whole, saving my soul
Thank you, Lord

For being a friend so dear
Giving my sad heart cheer
For holding my hand when I could not stand
Thank you Lord
For giving your life for me on a cross at Calvary
For taking my place, mercy and grace
Thank you Lord.

I just want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
For everything you've done for me
Thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank you, Lord
For making me whole, saving my soul
Thank you, Lord

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I've been thinking ALOT lately about what some people want from God and church.  See there, that should already sound BACKWARD to you, if you know even the slightest about the Bible.  Anyway, I want to encourage you to come to East La Follette (as I'm told even a search committee is planning on doing...not sure how I feel about that but we welcome all kinds at ELBC, haha) this Sunday, as I talk about "WHY I DO WHAT I DO". 

There's been alot on this old pastor's heart lately.  And just to chase a quick rabbit, if there's any ministers reading this that don't physically, mentally, or emotionally hurt when your church family hurts, you're not worth much in my book. 

As I've thought about all the conversations, prayer requests, visits, and all the "goings on" around here lately, I can't help but come to one conclusion.  There aren't many of us (myself included) living as though we expect to meet Jesus anytime soon.

Alot of us have our perfect little lives on earth all figured out.  And anymore, caring for the needs of other people, especially their greatest need (Jesus), just doesn't seem to fit in to those perfect lives that much. 

It's too bad W.W.J.D. was just a merchandising fad (get upset all you want, folks, it's the truth), because what Jesus would do today is clean house in alot of churches, homes, and hearts of the people who really do believe in and follow Him (myself included).  One reason He would do that is to get us focused on what matters again. 

Jesus always put the needs of others before His own.  I'm pretty sure He did that as a model for us and left us with the same instructions.  Yet, I sit here thinking about the FACT that some of my flock is hurting because others aren't practicing that to them and vice versa.  For some of them, I can help a little by being here for them and offering guidance.  For others, I have almost been cut off from helping.  Not cool at all. 

So yeah, my heart breaks a little for the hurting people.  It breaks a little when I think about all the churches that have become centered on man's wants, needs, and comfort.  It breaks a little when I think about how we, as Christians, waste precious time this side of eternity focused on SO MANY other things that should NEVER be the answer to..."Why DO I Do What I Do?"

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence. Their conviction resulted in untold sufferings for themselves and their families...

Of the 56 men, five were captured by the British and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned...

Two lost their sons in the Revolutionary Army...

Another had two sons captured...

Nine of the fifty-six fought and died from wounds or hardships of the war..

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships sunk by the British navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts and died in poverty...

At the battle of Yorktown, the British General Cornwallis had taken over Thomas Nelson's home for his headquarters. Nelson quietly ordered General George Washington to open fire on the Nelson home. The home was destroyed and Nelson died bankrupt...

John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their thirteen children fled for their lives. His fields and mill were destroyed. For over a year, he lived in forest and caves, returning home only to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later, he died from exhaustion. 

SO...as I will ask of all of us in the morning at East La Follette...


Monday, October 18, 2010


Isn't it still amazing to think about the rescue of the miners?  With every media outlet fixated on the story, they had no choice but to include all the people giving God credit for such a miraculous ending.  I still snicker a little as I think about them having to do that, lol. 

But as I spoke on Sunday night, God's not only there in these fairy tale like endings is He?  Well, that depends on who you talk to nowadays.  It appears there are still some people out there who insist as long as you "live right", God will bless you as He  "takes care of His own". 

Now, don't let me confuse you TOO much here.  I still believe "living right" is important but that is a sermon and perhaps a blog post for another day (next Sunday for the sermon and eh, who knows when for the blogpost?  Lol.).

Don't get me wrong, folks.  I'm a FIRM believer in giving God ALL the credit, glory, praise, honorable mention, etc.  I just want us to do that even when things don't turn out like last week, too.

Yes, God does "take care of His own".  But that doesn't mean a Christian miner has never died in an accident does it?  Do you really believe that only Christian soldiers who were "living right" made it back home from war alive?  Was every Christian family that has endured the death of a loved one to a horrible accident or disease like cancer just not "blessed" enough?  Was God not there for them as He was/is for others who survive such accidents and see their cancer/problem inexplicably vanish?

I don't have all the answers to all the "why" questions.  Sorry.  Sometimes "bad" things do happen as a result of sin (or not "living right").  Sometimes they happen for no other reason than we live in a fallen, imperfect, sinful world. 

But you CANNOT say, as some modern day FALSE TEACHERS/PROPHETS say, that "bad" things won't happen to you if you're giving enough money, going to church, praying, reading the Bible, dressing like a pilgrim, abstaining from TV/movies/radio, living in a cult-like "holy" huddle type society...you get my drift.  

If you are reading this and believe in this health/wealth/prosperity HERETICAL GARBAGE, tell me, what sin did Abel commit to warrant his muder? 

...what was it, exactly, that Job did to cause his incomparable calamity?

...was John The Baptist beheaded for eating too many wild locusts? 

How dare you make fun of such a revered Bible figure, Greg!  That's just it...I'm not making fun...he WAS a great messenger of God who "made straight the path" for THE LAMB OF GOD!  AND YET (grammar police, I'm sorry) THIS GREAT MESSENGER'S LIFE ENDED IN A HORRIBLE MANNER!  And you need to KNOW it wasn't because he wasn't "LIVING RIGHT"!!!

Stephen was martyred for "doing good", wasn't he?  Weren't INNUMERABLE EARLY CHRISTIANS fed to lions, wild beasts, and burned alive for "doing good"?


The answer you're looking for is YES!!!  It's in the Bible.  Read John 15&16 sometime if you don't believe me.

But folks, the good news is that even in times of bad news, HE IS STILL THERE/HERE WITH US!  In accordance with His ultimate, perfect, and sovereign will, He may choose to rescue me from the mine or let me breathe my last down there.  He may take my cancer away or let it consume this temporary flesh and THEN call me home and provid my ULTIMATE healing!  BUT WHATEVER HAPPENS, WE ARE NOT ALONE AND WE HAVE THE FULL ASSURANCE HE STILL REIGNS...DON'T WE???

Therein is the reason for this post.  I watched and listened as so many spoke of all God did last week.  And with good reason they spoke such things.  What a story with a hollywood (or at least Lifetime) movie ending.  Just know, even though we might not understand, He's still there and still working when the story doesn't seem to end with "happily ever after".

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I remember Angie waking me in a panic, telling me all "they" had done and pulling me to the TV in the living room.  I remember wondering why she had the TV on C-SPAN with all the other news channels available.  I then remember becoming so enthralled with what I was seeing, I didn't change the channel either for quite a while.  In fact, I remember not doing much anything else at all but staring at the TV in disbelief for quite a while. 

When I did finally change the channel, I remember doing it just in time to see the second plane hit the second tower and hearing the reporter gravely announce this is "no accident." 

Sometime after that, I remember simultaneously looking at the first smoldering tower, thinking it was going to collapse, listening to a reporter talk about its possible collapse, and watching in horrific amazement while it did. 

I remember a field in Pennsylvania...the Pentagon...the changing whereabouts of Air Force One...the closing of federal buildings...and so many other things, some of which, like all of us, I wish I could forget. 

I also remember calling a Tuesday night church service...steps on the Capitol full of voices singing "God Bless America"...Wal-Mart running out of flags to sell...reports of full churches for lunchtime prayer services...heightened senses of threat awareness...new airport security measures...Homeland Security..."Let's roll"...powerful feelings of American pride and Christian purpose....and so many other things that unfortunately, so many of us have long since forgotten.

I remember.  Do you? 

Monday, August 23, 2010


...be that "religious" person that's in so many churches that I can't stand anymore.  Now, I dwell on the fact Christians are called to be holy not religious.  The difference is only God can make us holy.  Too many Christians are trying to do it on their own.  That's the definition of being religious.

...lack confidence in a few aspects of my life.  Now, I have enough leftover confidence for others.  The change has been in acquiring divine confidence.  That confidence comes from realizing there's no such thing as self-esteem without spiritual significance.  And once I realized how spiritually significant I was...look out, folks!

...be so young and naive.  Now, I've learned a few things about real life here and there.  I'm wiser for it but there are some lessons I'd rather have left in the classroom.

...be a people-pleaser.  Now, I've learned what an oxymoron that really is.  It can't be done.  Other than the obligatory efforts towards our teachers, bosses, etc., we shouldn't ever try.  A wise man once looked at a snapshot of my life and told me he could tell I'd been held to a high standard of expectations all my life.  He told me that was fine but be careful and not let that steal away my freedom in Christ to live the abundant life He has for me.  That man was Dr. David Abernathy and I've never met a wiser man in 34 years on this earth.

...picture what life would be like with the girl I was going to marry.  Now, I can't picture life without her.  Heck, I can't even find my phone, wallet or keys without her :)

...used to think, feel, sense, plan, dream, pray, act, talk, walk, run, play...DIFFERENTLY.  Now, I've realized it's ok to change.  Life's about change.  Actually, this changing, temporary life is just preparation for the life we were created for, namely eternity.  The big picture is our life here is "but a vapor that appears for a little while then vanishes away."  We must invest in the lives of others.  We must leave a legacy that will demand more than a 15 minute funeral of mostly depressing, elevator style music.  We must learn, grow, change, adapt, teach, mold, and disciple...before the vapor vanishes away. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Sitting here watching one of the best actors of all time, Robert Duvall, in a strange yet sincere role as "The Apostle."  I remember first seeing this movie on DVD back when it came out, mostly because he was in it and partly because Farah Fawcett was in it ;) 

I must say it never occurred to me that beating a man to death with a baseball bat, skipping town and starting a brand new church in the middle of nowhere, would be an effective ministry strategy but it works for him!  Lol.

As Yoda would say it, "Thought provoking, this movie is."  As the pastor of a new church in a new town ("The One Way Road To Heaven Church") ol' Robert Duvall becomes very popular.  He attracts a large radio following which leads to more folks getting on the bus he drives to pick up people for church.  Others are gracious enough for the food boxes he and church members deliver that they, too, begin to attend.  Everything is going well...until his past catches up with him...but I'll not spoil it for you, in case you haven't seen it.

There are so many strategies for ministry/evangelism/discipleship/fellowship/worship nowadays.  I wouldn't even make an attempt at listing them or debating the merits of the more popular ones this late at night.  However, while watching this I'm reminded of the importance of having one.  To me, that means we know the purpose behind everything we do as a local body of believers.  There's a reason (or several reasons) for this trip, that new class, the upcoming community work day, next month's picnic, the order/style of worship, etc. 

Surely, we won't allow ourselves or our churches to become people or places of God that have "just done" things a certain way for so long that we don't even know why.  Surely, if some thing/class/project/style/etc. has become ineffective in bringing people to Jesus, we will notice it immediately and cease to do it for that reason alone.  Surely, I'm right...right?

P.S. - Yes, I did just include Robert Duvall, Farah Fawcett, and Yoda in one blog.  Billy Bob Thornton is in it, too.  I'm G-Smooth and that's how I roll, people ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I copied the following from a friend's recent status update on facebook:

If I'd listened to satan, I'd have never given my life to Christ; if I had listened to my parents I would have never married Samuel; if I had listened to my dad I would have been working at Krystal's; and if I listen to some of my "family" and some people who call themselves my "friends" I would stop the fostering / adoption process. I'm so thankful that in EVERY situation I've sought and received God's will!!!!

Maybe at times you've felt the same.  God can and frequently does use our friends and family to convey and confirm His will.  But He doesn't have to.

We talked about prayer this morning in church.  So few of us truly pray anymore.  Oh, we've got God on speed dial for the usuals like meal blessings and the like.  But, and I'll be the first to confess here again, there aren't many members of His church spending intimate moments with GOD that often.

We desperately need to.  All of us.  How else do we expect to have the kind of courage and confidence exhibited in my friend's post, as one who KNOWS what God's will is and is ready to follow Him ABOVE ALL else?

How else can we presume to develop the kind of much needed attitude displayed in the following anonymous quote:

"Lord, I renounce my desire for human praise, for the approval of my peers, the need for public recognition. I deliberately put these aside today, content to hear you whisper, "Well done, my faithful servant." 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


"You know, we ought to..."

"Hey, what do you think about us doing..."

"We used to _______ and we should maybe try it again..."

How do preachers spell relief?  Well, I promise you it's not I-D-E-A-S.  At least, not the kind of ideas that come from people who have no intention of actually seeing their idea through to fruition.

Obviously, ideas are golden, ESPECIALLY in the ministry.  Creativity is crucial for the individual, the local church, the mission field, etc.  Like the Gatlin Brothers once sang, "I did not mean to mislead you..."

Without ideas, we grow stagnate.  Well, that's not exactly true, is it?  If you've become stagnate, you aren't growing at all, are you?  Aren't there enough stagnate Christians and churches around today already?  Do we really need another of either?  I don't want to be around either one, do you?   

That's where ideas from folks whose feet, hands, or resources, will NEVEREVEREVER catch up to the running of their mouths are so FRUSTRATING!  Look, if I come to you and say, "We should start this ministry/group/Bible study/collection, ETC.," I WOULD EXPECT YOU TO HOLD ME TO TASK AND MAKE ME PUT MY MONEY WHERE MY MOUTH IS BY HELPING START SAID THING!"

People get tired of getting hung out to dry by folks who go from all gung-ho to no-show. Trust me on that.

Trust me, too, when I say I know a good leader should be able to keep the folks he works with, be it on a professional or voluntary basis, motivated.  That's where you come in.  Pray for me to do a better job in that regard.  I could use a BIG DOSE of motivation myself these days.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HEY! Where'd The Disco Ball Go?

It's all destroyed.  Everything.  They took the sound board.  The lights are all broken.  They slashed the projector screen.  Maybe the projector itself can be saved...if someone knows how to glue a few hundred pieces back together correctly.  Don't even get me started on the fog machine!  What's that you say?  The instruments?  Well, the electric guitar and keyboard are floating in the baptismal pool.  That answer your question?!?  At least the Bible on the pulpit is still there.  A lot of good that will do, though.  How's the preacher supposed to use it with his cool stage stool broken?

If you took away modern technology in my kitchen, I would find someone with a wood burning stove and eat at their house!

If you took away modern technology in my living room, I would read those things with the fancy covers and thin, little pages more.  I might even go for a walk with my wife...probably by the donut shop.  Hopefully, their technology is OK ;)

In other words, we'd survive.  Somehow.  Someway.  We WOULD survive without most modern luxuries in our homes, schools, businesses, etc.  Hospitals, well, not so much anymore.  But, folks made it pretty good "back in the day" so, who knows?  We'd make it somehow.  We'd survive ALMOST everywhere... EXCEPT...in our CHURCHES!

Just think if the opening paragraph's events unfolded in your church.  How many people would show up the following Sunday without all the EXTRAS?  What if you only had a piano to sing with? Or, (DON'T SAY IT, PREACHER!) you had to sing accapella (NOOOO...)?  Oh, don't worry.  You can still sing whatever style of song you like (contemporary, traditional, classic rock...), you'll just have to...what do the kids call it nowadays... "improvise" a little.

"Ugggh!  Well, ok.  I guess we can still hire the best available opera singer/drum major/former cruise ship show tunes singer to lead us.  We'll make it, I suppose.  Hey, wait a second, though.  What about the preaching?  How are we going to follow along without the verses in the pretty fonts and backgrounds up on the screen?  This is getting ridiculous now, preacher!"

It's amazing to think that God EXPONENTIALLY MULTIPLIED "The Church" the first few centuries of its existence, through people who met in small "homes" huddled together with the dim light of candles.  People who loved Jesus SO MUCH, loved hearing more about Him SO MUCH, loved "assembling together" SO MUCH, they were willing to risk, and many ultimately gave, their lives for such a love.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm more than thankful we live in a land and time (for now) that we don't have to risk our lives just to go to church.  I just wonder sometimes what kind of worship services/churches we would have AND how many of us would actually be there, if we did...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


There's no way for this not to sound arrogant but I am tired of putting up with ignorance.

Now, I am in no way saying that there isn't plenty of things I am not ignorant about myself.  So, maybe this won't sound too arrogant after all.  Yet, I try to listen to others and learn about these things and not speak on them as though I am some authority.

But isn't it hard to talk about things with people where their knowledge of the subject is paltry compared to yours?  Ok, that's kind of arrogant, I agree.

Take for example, UT basketball and the game of basketball in general.  I have played (not greatly but that's not the point :) basketball all my life, so I know the game pretty well.  So, when someone starts giving their opinion on what player/coach is good/bad, etc., sometimes its hard not to use FACTS/LOGIC/TRUTH and completely tell them why they are wrong.

Usually, for this or any subject, what happens when you attempt to rationally correct those "someones" is, you spend a vast amount of time, breath, and energy, only to end up frustrated that they won't budge from their "OPINION".

Yes, I realize its a free country, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, blah blah blah, LOL.  But, that HAS to have limits, right?  I mean, you can't have the opinion that the sky is LIME GREEN can you?  Or, is it okay to say its your "OPINION" that the Grand Canyon is not a canyon?

It seems to me alot of us hold opinions out of ignorance to the point where we KNOW its a BASELESS opinion and don't care.  That kind of thinking is dangerous to an individual AND a society, and unfortunately has taken roots in our churches, too.

Or, am I just being arrogant...or ignorant here?  

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


...churches quit measuring success by the numbers of church hoppers and plate droppers and started measuring it based on the quality of discipleship being done...or the quantity of the "least of these" being ministered to "in Jesus' name"...

...all Christians truly meant it when we sang "Wherever He leads I'll go..."

...God, in all His glory, high and lifted up on His throne in heaven, asked for volunteers that He could send to go "for us".  Oh wait, He already did.  Guess we need to respond to that, huh?...

...there was something akin to an "M & M" (Missions & Ministry) Center in every town, where people could receive shelter, food, clothing, health services, crisis pregnancy help, and most importantly spiritual guidance.  Christians from different churches in the community could cooperatively serve together at this type of center and watch as the Master used them to "be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth."  Gosh, seems like we're commanded to do something like that...

...there were no more super talented praise bands...multimedia projectors...multi-million dollar church campuses...ridiculously over-priced church buses...over extended or under used church budgets...

And all we had before us was a question.  The same question that Simon Peter answered before any of the other boys spoke up.  "But who do YOU say that I AM?"

The correct answer is all we NEED isn't it?  To KNOW that He is "The Christ, the Son of the Living God" changes EVERYTHING in and of itself, doesn't it?

As we say around here in good 'ol East Tennessee, "The rest is just gravy."

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Poems and Songs

Backward Christian Soldiers - Anonymous

Backward Christian soldiers, Fleeing from the fight,
With the cross of Jesus, Nearly out of sight.
Christ our rightful master Stands against the foe
Onward into battle, we seem afraid to go.

Backward Christian soldiers, Fleeing from the fight,
With the cross of Jesus, Nearly out of sight.
Like a might tortoise Moves the church of God.
Brothers we are treading, Where we've often trod.
We are much divided, Many bodies we,
Having different doctrines, but Not much charity.

Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane,
But the cross of Jesus Hidden does remain.
Gates of hell should never 'gainst the Church prevail,
We have Christ's own promise, but we think it might fail.

Sit here then ye people, Join our sleeping throng.
Blend with ours, your voices in a feeble song.
Blessings, ease and comfort Ask from Christ the King,
But with our modern thinking, We won't do a thing.

...hopefully, this NEVER describes you or your church...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I soooo love the generation gaps when it comes to ministry...  :)~

How do you effectively go from teaching a high school/college class to trying to explain the reasoning behind some of your pastoral decisions to members of a church council in their 50s and 60s in less than an hour??

What's really frustrating is that you can talk to some people on up into their 80s and 90s and you seem to get each other just fine.  I don't think some folks TRY to understand anyone who doesn't think like them.  

Isn't it pretty lazy, not to mention LAME, of any of us to only surround ourselves with others we know think like us and will generally agree with us?  Are we that afraid to express our opinions, beliefs, etc., to those that may not agree?  I'll admit to getting frustrated (obviously...thus the reason for this post, LOL) when others don't seem to "Get it".  But, I'm not intimidated or afraid to logically and reasonably discuss just about ANYTHING with ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!

Not everyone can do that, you know?  I have friends and family even, that I've tried to have discussions with, where it ended up someone getting emotional, defensive, etc., mostly due to not "Getting it".

However, I'm pretty confident in my ability to understand where MOST people are coming from.  After more than 10 years in the ministry, you either develop that trait or lose your ability to reach people.  How can you reach someone if you don't know where they're at or coming from?

I guess like most ministers out there (and many others, I'm sure), I'd just like the same thing in return from certain folks sometime, you know?  You get me out there blog people???  

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


No kidding.  That's the title of a new group on facebook.  Know what's even sadder?  There's over 4,000 members in this group.  Amazing.

I ventured onto their site to see if this was serious or satire.  I found some of both but also found some alarmingly ignorant logic, used by one of its members to justify the group.  Are you ready for this?  In essence, he states that since the Bible doesn't state God likes electric or bass guitars, we shouldn't use them to praise Him.

That's not all.  This misguided at best soul, goes on to say that the only images the Bible gives us of worship pleasing to God is of orchestral instruments and choirs, albeit angelic ones.

Some people really shouldn't be allowed to "think" you know it?  It gives the word a bad name.

I can't help but think of the song from Disney's "Little Mermaid".  You know the "Poor, Unfortunate Soul" one I'm talking about, right?

First of all, as to his first line of "thinking" concerning the lame "not mentioned in the Bible" crap, I'd like to ask him if he enjoys a good, cold glass of Coca-Cola.  Or how 'bout a good ol' Hershey bar?  Heck, let's throw in a pipin' hot pepperoni pizza and round out a very unbalanced, but tasty meal.  Think he'd like that?  I'd wager so.  Yet, to follow his "logic" he shouldn't partake of such things.  Why not, you ask?  Well, they're not mentioned in the Bible, of course.  Silly rabbit.

Secondly, as to doing what's "only mentioned in the Bible", I'd like to know if he still walks around mostly barefoot, donning a tunic with which he girds his loins?  Does he travel great distances exclusively by ships?  I wonder if he enjoys a sizzlin' piece of bacon or a nice dinner at Red Lobster?  Depending upon which parts of the Bible he's supposedly strictly adhering to, he'd be in trouble already.

So, my point on THE SMOOTH SPOT today is if you think "Praise Bands Annoy God", do us all a favor and give your brain a well deserved rest.  Please.  We beg you.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Had to go to the doctor yesterday.  That's always a huge chore for me.  Every 10 years or so I have to look up a family doc and ask around for a good one to see.  Actually, its only been 5 years since I saw a doctor last, not counting family planning stuff.

Anyway, I was SOOO glad I didn't have to drop my drawers, haha.  Call me crazy, but I'm just not fond (sorry, couldn't help it) of introducing myself as the pastor from the church down the street and then unbuttoning my pants.

In case you're wondering why I thought I'd have to "DROP 'EM", I had some hernia-like symptoms, among other things.  The good news is he was able to examine me for that without my "Pants On The Ground" (no, I won't let that go away :)  and that he found no evidence of a hernia.

The not so good news is there are other things going on.  But, I'll be fine and I will feel alot less awkward now shaking the good doc's hand if he ever decided to visit our church.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Yes, I'm talking about Lane Kiffin's leaving UT.  But no, I'm not focusing the title's question on his actions.  Rather, the question is based on so many of the reactions I've seen and heard.

Have I been a VOL fan since at least the 5th grade?  DUH!  Do I get so into the ballgames that I punch the nearest wall or door when GRRRAAPE APE blocks his 5,000th field goal against us, especially the game winning one against the #1 team in the country who would be the eventual national champion (yes, I'm aware this is a run on sentence fellow AP Englishers)?  YEP!  AND, DO I THINK FOLKS ARE ACTING PLUM CRAZY OVER HIM LEAVING AFTER 1 YEAR?  YOU'RE DADGUM RIGHT I DO!

Give me a break already, folks.  I love the BIG ORANGE.  But my life will go on.  I won't be sending the guy a Christmas card but I'm not gonna burn a mattress near his car, compare him to Tiger Woods (who we need to leave alone, too, by the way!), or rant and rave on how he "Betrayed me."

And no, I won't be comparing this story to the devastating Haitian earthquake story, either.  That's not exactly fair, in my opinion.  But, I digress...

Why am I not on my way to riot on campus or typing curses at him on facebook?  Uh, let's see...am I still sitting here in my old worn down but extremely comfy recliner typing this?  YEP!  Am I still married to my best friend, whom I've enjoyed nearly 10 1/2 years of marriage with so far?  ABSOLUTELY!  Has my earthly and eternal life been changed forever by the one figure in history who has changed the world since His birth, namely JESUS CHRIST??  THANK GOD, YES!!

So yeah, that's why I'm sittin' here looking at and listening to so many reactions and asking that question..."R U KIDDIN' ME?"

Saturday, January 9, 2010


If you have a Wii, chances are you've heard the phrases in the title of this post.  For, SUPER MARIO BROS is probably the hottest Wii game out there right now.  If you've played it, you know why.  Its fun for kids of all ages!

What sets this version of the popular series apart is the fact that up to 4 people can play at the same time.  This makes for some very fun but also very frustrating evenings.  Again, if you've played it, you know why.

With 4 people trying to run, jump, shoot, throw, swim, etc. in near unison, it becomes a challenge REALLY quickly.  You start hearing things like, "STOP JUMPING ON MY HEAD!"  And, "THANKS ALOT FOR GETTING MY MUSHROOM!"  Maybe some things you can't repeat even, haha.  Surely not at the preacher's house, though ;)

So, why bring it up in a blog post?  Because working together in that game says alot about the fun and frustrations we face in trying to work together with others.  Be it in a family, business, or yes, of course, a church, it can be a great challenge.

Sometimes you need folks to move faster.  Sometimes you need to do more...or maybe you  need to give someone else a try and do less.  Sometimes you want to throw the controller through at the person who is causing you the most frustration, lol.

The bottom line is we must find a way to work together to accomplish a common goal/vision/purpose.  Even when that goal/vision/purpose is as cartoonish as rescuing the princess from Bowser's castle...

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've been listening to some songs from Acapella (all the way back to '93, dang I'm old) on my new Ipod I got for Christmas (thanks again, Sis!).  I believe I've found a song I want played/sung at my funeral someday.  Its called, "LEAD ME TO REST" and here's some of the words.









So, if you're reading this and happen to be around when I go someday, try to remember this request.

Of course, you could always be mean and play/sing, "Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye..."    

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Yeah, I figured the title would get your attention, haha.  Don't worry, I was only going to say, "Plum Nickel" ;)

That statement (and similar ones, lol) comes to mind when I think of the stupid distractions we allow ourselves to become engrossed in, in our churches.

We are all susceptible to distractions.  So, don't think I'm saying I'm above it, because the good Lord knows how weak I am.

Its just so frustrating and frivolous though, you know?  This life is uncertain, unpredictable, and downright unnerving at times.  To be sure, it is brief and a precious gift from God, the only giver of life.  Even if you don't believe in God or the Bible, you'd have to agree with most of my above statements about life.

I heard just today about a lady that collapsed getting onto a plane, preparing to take a cruise vacation.  No known health problems.  No warning.  Game Over.  This page couldn't hold the volumes of books we'd have if we all shared the similarly true stories we know.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is going through such a loss right now, by the way.  

We know all that, don't we there fellow church folk?  I'm not saying anything new.  Yet, we live like we don't give a crap sometimes.  We complain and cause needless trouble, to the point where the pastor is ready to go to the mission field in Alaska.  The only problem is his wife demands a snuggie if he does that and I REFUSE TO PAY MONEY FOR A BACKWARDS ROBE!

Anyway, I'm sure the Alaskan mission field has its share distractions, too, what with making sure the polar bears don't eat you and all.

I just want to be His hands, feet, voice, etc.  I just want to feed the hungry, clothe the needy, help somebody in His name.  I just want to make a dadgum difference in the temporal and eternal life of a fellow man, woman, boy, or girl!  As many as possible actually!!

I don't want to moderate foolishness.  I don't want to argue about the minutes of a meeting.  I don't want to waste precious time of this precious life, itself a precious gift of God, doing meaningless, menial tasks that wouldn't make a dang bit of difference in the life of a flea, much less a man, woman, boy, or girl!

I know, I know, we all have to do menial tasks we don't really love, etc. etc.  I just don't have to give a..."Plum Nickel" do I?

BUSINESS MEETING (cue "Ode to Joy")...

Actually, (knock on wood) our monthly business meetings haven't been what you'd call, MANIACAL, in quite some time.  I guess its been close to a year now that I started doing them after our regular "SNACK 'N STUDY" time of Bible discussion, coffee, etc.  Maybe folks are too worn out from listening to me teach for 30 minutes to fight about nonsensical stuff?  Lol.

We do have alot before us to meet about this year as a church.  God has nearly doubled our church family in just under 4 years.  And, as AWESOME as that is to be a part of, we do have a few growing pains.

Of course, we know we're still a "Small" church by most definitions (avg. around 110 on Sunday Mornings).  But, we also know we serve a "BIG" God!  So, we believe 2010 could be a BIG year for us if we catch on to some of our "BIG" God's visions.  The time is yesterday for us to grab onto a new, multipurpose building vision.  We could also use at least a used 12-15 passenger van.  I could use an old truck...just kidding (not really...mid 80's model Chevy/GMC, please ;)  

Our "CROSSROADS FELLOWSHIP" starts back up tonight for high schoolers, college age, and folks on up in their 20's.  My Associate Pastor, Zach, has done a great job with the little kids.  He'll have 20 or so come down front for his quick kids' devotion on Sunday Mornings.  But, having something for young people in high school on up has been on some of our hearts for a long time.  We've tried a few different times to kickstart it, but it just fizzled after an outing or two.

Pray with me that the core group of 8-10 we have now will catch fire and reach others .  There's 2 to 3 times that in our own church family/extended family, if we could just reach 'em.  Folks, we ABSOLUTELY MUST reach/keep them at this CRITICAL age in their lives.  It is SO HARD to get them to come back in their 30's or later, if they've been gone for 10 years or longer and are settled into different ways of thinking, living, etc.  Please pray about this with me...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


FAITH is a word/concept I've been thinkin' about lately.  Seems its everywhere you go.  We are told, "You Gotta Have FAITH" and to, "Keep The FAITH".  And that's just from George Michael and Bon Jovi!  But, you can learn alot from a song.  The title of this post is itself, a song.  A 90's Contemporary Christian group called 4Him sang that song and wrote it, too, I guess.  

Here's some of the lyrics to "Where There Is Faith":

I believe in faithfulness
I believe in giving of myself...for someone else
I believe in peace and love
I believe in honesty and trust...but it's not enough
For all that I believe may never change the way it is
Unless I believe...Jesus lives... 

Its a neat song and thought provoking, as well.  It adds some insight into my thoughts on FAITH, especially the kind of faith required to become and be labeled a CHRISTIAN.  

I believe the Bible's definition of faith is in conflict with many people who claim they have it.  By the way, the Bible is always right if we ever find any of our opinions or beliefs in conflict with it (but, that's a post for another day).  

According to the Bible, Hebrews 11:1 to be exact, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

I'll spare you the Greek lesson as I would make a horrible teacher.  Instead, I'll refer you to a copy of "Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary" so you won't take my word for the following statements on what I understand the Biblical definition of faith is, as originally written.

Here's how it breaks down in the Greek:  

"Faith (persuasion, especially reliance upon Christ for salvation) is the substance (support, essence, assurance) of things hoped for (expect, confide), the evidence (proof, conviction) of things (deed, affair, object) not seen (looked at/on/to, perceive, regard)."

Here's how it breaks down in my head (Lord bless the poor little fella...I know, I know, lol):


I hope this kind of faith is real to you.  Because, it is the only real faith the Bible defines.  And, that's where the conflict I mentioned earlier comes into play.  People define their faith as personal to them.  I think this is done many times so as to not have to defend it or, "Give an answer...for the hope that is within you."  "Well, this is what I believe and I am entitled to my opinion and if its personal to me, you can't say anything to me about it."

That's a pretty easy/lazy way to get out of being responsible for what the Bible you claim to believe really says.  Now, does God want to have a personal, intimate relationship with us?  ABSOLUTELY!  Do we learn about Him differently and differentially than other Christians?  YES!  BUT...we must remember the only knowledge and understanding we will glean about God WILL BE VERIFIED in His HOLY WORD!  You won't have any secret knowledge that I don't and vice versa.  

There has to a standard we all use is what I'm saying.  He has left us an awesome one in the Bible.  We just need to use it more, in my opinion.   

That's how I see it at least and just some of my recent thoughts on FAITH.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  But, I'm not here to argue, nor will I be impressed with your intelligence or want to hear about my lack thereof, lol.  

Holler at me...