"G Smooth" is a Southern Baptist Pastor who wears Crocs to church, officiates weddings without socks, and dares go to DISNEYWORLD (even during SBC's Prohibition Years, haha) on vacation...has been married to Angie for 11 years...still thinks guys like Larry Bird and Pistol Pete were better basketball players than any guys in the modern era...and has been a BIG ORANGE fan since we whipped Miami's butts in the '86 Sugar Bowl, baby!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I've been thinking ALOT lately about what some people want from God and church.  See there, that should already sound BACKWARD to you, if you know even the slightest about the Bible.  Anyway, I want to encourage you to come to East La Follette (as I'm told even a search committee is planning on doing...not sure how I feel about that but we welcome all kinds at ELBC, haha) this Sunday, as I talk about "WHY I DO WHAT I DO". 

There's been alot on this old pastor's heart lately.  And just to chase a quick rabbit, if there's any ministers reading this that don't physically, mentally, or emotionally hurt when your church family hurts, you're not worth much in my book. 

As I've thought about all the conversations, prayer requests, visits, and all the "goings on" around here lately, I can't help but come to one conclusion.  There aren't many of us (myself included) living as though we expect to meet Jesus anytime soon.

Alot of us have our perfect little lives on earth all figured out.  And anymore, caring for the needs of other people, especially their greatest need (Jesus), just doesn't seem to fit in to those perfect lives that much. 

It's too bad W.W.J.D. was just a merchandising fad (get upset all you want, folks, it's the truth), because what Jesus would do today is clean house in alot of churches, homes, and hearts of the people who really do believe in and follow Him (myself included).  One reason He would do that is to get us focused on what matters again. 

Jesus always put the needs of others before His own.  I'm pretty sure He did that as a model for us and left us with the same instructions.  Yet, I sit here thinking about the FACT that some of my flock is hurting because others aren't practicing that to them and vice versa.  For some of them, I can help a little by being here for them and offering guidance.  For others, I have almost been cut off from helping.  Not cool at all. 

So yeah, my heart breaks a little for the hurting people.  It breaks a little when I think about all the churches that have become centered on man's wants, needs, and comfort.  It breaks a little when I think about how we, as Christians, waste precious time this side of eternity focused on SO MANY other things that should NEVER be the answer to..."Why DO I Do What I Do?"

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