"G Smooth" is a Southern Baptist Pastor who wears Crocs to church, officiates weddings without socks, and dares go to DISNEYWORLD (even during SBC's Prohibition Years, haha) on vacation...has been married to Angie for 11 years...still thinks guys like Larry Bird and Pistol Pete were better basketball players than any guys in the modern era...and has been a BIG ORANGE fan since we whipped Miami's butts in the '86 Sugar Bowl, baby!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HEY! Where'd The Disco Ball Go?

It's all destroyed.  Everything.  They took the sound board.  The lights are all broken.  They slashed the projector screen.  Maybe the projector itself can be saved...if someone knows how to glue a few hundred pieces back together correctly.  Don't even get me started on the fog machine!  What's that you say?  The instruments?  Well, the electric guitar and keyboard are floating in the baptismal pool.  That answer your question?!?  At least the Bible on the pulpit is still there.  A lot of good that will do, though.  How's the preacher supposed to use it with his cool stage stool broken?

If you took away modern technology in my kitchen, I would find someone with a wood burning stove and eat at their house!

If you took away modern technology in my living room, I would read those things with the fancy covers and thin, little pages more.  I might even go for a walk with my wife...probably by the donut shop.  Hopefully, their technology is OK ;)

In other words, we'd survive.  Somehow.  Someway.  We WOULD survive without most modern luxuries in our homes, schools, businesses, etc.  Hospitals, well, not so much anymore.  But, folks made it pretty good "back in the day" so, who knows?  We'd make it somehow.  We'd survive ALMOST everywhere... EXCEPT...in our CHURCHES!

Just think if the opening paragraph's events unfolded in your church.  How many people would show up the following Sunday without all the EXTRAS?  What if you only had a piano to sing with? Or, (DON'T SAY IT, PREACHER!) you had to sing accapella (NOOOO...)?  Oh, don't worry.  You can still sing whatever style of song you like (contemporary, traditional, classic rock...), you'll just have to...what do the kids call it nowadays... "improvise" a little.

"Ugggh!  Well, ok.  I guess we can still hire the best available opera singer/drum major/former cruise ship show tunes singer to lead us.  We'll make it, I suppose.  Hey, wait a second, though.  What about the preaching?  How are we going to follow along without the verses in the pretty fonts and backgrounds up on the screen?  This is getting ridiculous now, preacher!"

It's amazing to think that God EXPONENTIALLY MULTIPLIED "The Church" the first few centuries of its existence, through people who met in small "homes" huddled together with the dim light of candles.  People who loved Jesus SO MUCH, loved hearing more about Him SO MUCH, loved "assembling together" SO MUCH, they were willing to risk, and many ultimately gave, their lives for such a love.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm more than thankful we live in a land and time (for now) that we don't have to risk our lives just to go to church.  I just wonder sometimes what kind of worship services/churches we would have AND how many of us would actually be there, if we did...

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