"G Smooth" is a Southern Baptist Pastor who wears Crocs to church, officiates weddings without socks, and dares go to DISNEYWORLD (even during SBC's Prohibition Years, haha) on vacation...has been married to Angie for 11 years...still thinks guys like Larry Bird and Pistol Pete were better basketball players than any guys in the modern era...and has been a BIG ORANGE fan since we whipped Miami's butts in the '86 Sugar Bowl, baby!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Yes, I'm talking about Lane Kiffin's leaving UT.  But no, I'm not focusing the title's question on his actions.  Rather, the question is based on so many of the reactions I've seen and heard.

Have I been a VOL fan since at least the 5th grade?  DUH!  Do I get so into the ballgames that I punch the nearest wall or door when GRRRAAPE APE blocks his 5,000th field goal against us, especially the game winning one against the #1 team in the country who would be the eventual national champion (yes, I'm aware this is a run on sentence fellow AP Englishers)?  YEP!  AND, DO I THINK FOLKS ARE ACTING PLUM CRAZY OVER HIM LEAVING AFTER 1 YEAR?  YOU'RE DADGUM RIGHT I DO!

Give me a break already, folks.  I love the BIG ORANGE.  But my life will go on.  I won't be sending the guy a Christmas card but I'm not gonna burn a mattress near his car, compare him to Tiger Woods (who we need to leave alone, too, by the way!), or rant and rave on how he "Betrayed me."

And no, I won't be comparing this story to the devastating Haitian earthquake story, either.  That's not exactly fair, in my opinion.  But, I digress...

Why am I not on my way to riot on campus or typing curses at him on facebook?  Uh, let's see...am I still sitting here in my old worn down but extremely comfy recliner typing this?  YEP!  Am I still married to my best friend, whom I've enjoyed nearly 10 1/2 years of marriage with so far?  ABSOLUTELY!  Has my earthly and eternal life been changed forever by the one figure in history who has changed the world since His birth, namely JESUS CHRIST??  THANK GOD, YES!!

So yeah, that's why I'm sittin' here looking at and listening to so many reactions and asking that question..."R U KIDDIN' ME?"

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